hello i'm Chang Jun

"The potential of a computer is determined by the strength of its coder."

I venture into areas including Competitive Programming Web Development Cybersecurity Machine Learning

About Chang Jun.

I am the Upper Secondary Vice President of the Anderson Robotics Club. I do Competitive Programming using C++ as well as other things related to computing such as Web development, Cybersecurity and Machine Learning

Throughout my computing journey I got to participate in various competition including National Olympiad of Informatics, Cospace Rescue Asia Pacific Finals, Lockheed Martin Codequest Competition, Math Olympiads etc


I explore the breath of computing while also the depth in Competitive Programming

Competitive Programming

Learning algorithms and tackle challenging problem is what I enjoy. I practice cp daily and participated in various programming competition

Web Development

Frontend development are my main strength in web development. I made multiple websites such as codingchecklist.com


I participated in NYEP Cybersecurity Programme as well as CTF Competition which deepens my understanding in Cybersecurity

Machine Learning

As an AWS Accelerator Programme Participant, I manage to get exposed to machine learning and will be doing a project using the skills learnt


Math is a crucial skill in computing, therefore I participated in math olympiad training and several math competition


I actively took up leadership opportunities such as Vice President role in CCA to contribute and push the club to a new height

Portfolio and Achievements

Resilience and hardwork drives me to face on challenging competitions and obstacles.


Drop me a message via email for further enquiry.

[email protected]

[email protected]